BBVA Fundamentos Grant
ICFO awarded highly competitive funding for EQS project proposal
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Five ICFO Postdoctoral researchers receive MSCA fellowships in most recent call
Researchers show radical improvement of ultra-broadband photodetection with a device based on Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene
An international team of researchers reports in Nature Photonics use Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene to develop an efficient detector capable of continuous imaging over an ultra-broad range of light spectrum.
First steps towards realizing mechanical qubits
An international team of researchers achieves experimental results that validate the first steps towards the realization of a mechanical qubit, using a mechanical resonator coupled to a single-electron transistor.
Workshop on Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems
The workshop in Delft brings together the international research community engaged in fundamental research on micro- and nano- electromechanical systems.
An in-depth review on nanomechanical resonators
Researchers from ICFO, Soochow University in China and Michigan State University publish a remarkable in-depth review on the physics of nanomechanical systems and the world of vibrations
Novel nanotube device for quantum transport and mechanics
A team of researchers develops a reliable process to fabricate high-quality carbon nanotube-based devices for quantum transport and mechanics.
Mechanical qubits made of nanotubes and quantum dots
An international team of researchers describes a new concept for a mechanical qubit, using a carbon nanotube mechanical resonator and a double quantum dot.
Congratulations to New ICFO PhD Graduate
Dr Slaven Tepsic graduated with a thesis entitled “Optomechanical Resonators Based on Low Dimensional Materials”
Exploring the stiffness of nano-objects
An international team of researchers, led by ICFO, reports in PRL on an experimental approach that unveils how the elasticity of a single nano-scale system depends on the temperature-dependent motion of the atoms in the lattice of this system.